Floating (SPP)

Nowadays, it has become common to obtain and use electricity from Solar Energy. Due to the fact that SPPs are not allowed to be installed in agricultural areas and pasture areas, the high cost of installation in mountainous, rugged areas and low efficiency, as a result of alternative searches, dams and irrigation ponds, as well as the placement of solar panels on the sea and oceans, have come to the agenda.

Floating SPPs have important benefits such as preventing evaporation of water in irrigation and dam ponds, thereby reducing water loss, and increasing the electricity generation efficiency obtained by not overheating Solar Panels due to the low water surface temperature.

In floating SPP applications, it is necessary to make calculations by taking meteorological and geographical conditions seriously into account. The wind intensity, wavelengths, carrier characteristics of the Solar Panel that will occur on the surface, the physical connections of the carriers between themselves and the land must be calculated correctly and the project must be implemented Decently.

Electricity Market Licensing Regulation and Unlicensed Electricity Generation Regulation, Electricity Indoor Facilities Regulation, Electricity Strong Current Facilities Regulation V. When making Floating power Plants in our country.b. when making many regulations, such as in different countries, it is necessary to take into account the standards of the country where the application is made. Similarly, Dec and AA connections between solar panels and inverter, it is important to design the power plant in accordance with IEC 60092- 350, EC 60092-353, IEC 60092-375 standards and to select and apply the appropriate cables.