Design, Project Design, Engineering

We offer design, project and engineering services by conducting studies in accordance with the relevant legislation according to your investment model.
Renewable Energy Sources (RES) constitute the important agenda of the last decades. As in every technical job, Design, Project, Engineering information is the most important point of the job in the field of RES. In order to be able to design, it is necessary to know all the necessary information theoretically and practically, to get the information comprehensively from the relevant departments of institutions, organizations, Professional Chambers or Universities that have scientific importance. Similarly, knowing the published laws, regulations, communiqués, specifications of institutions and organizations and international and national standards for the technology to be applied in a similar way, taking part in their implementation ensures smooth work in design, design and engineering studies.

In technologies such as SPP, WPP, HPP, GPP, etc., Uninformed people do not come out because the subject of HPP and GPP is going to specialize, but everyone uninformed is trying to do the installation of SPP and small WPP, although uninformed people do not come out because we do these jobs. In our country, especially in the important part of the GES installation, there are significant material and spiritual disadvantages due to lack of adequate design, design inaccuracies and lack of engineering knowledge.

We are one of the pioneers of the sector with 2 utility models in our design planning and engineering solutions, the first place in an International competition and the project subject to an International Article.

We constantly monitor the published laws, regulations, communiqués, specifications of institutions and organizations published for our field of study, as well as international and national standards, thoroughly examine the technical data of our customers and update our information. Our customers determine the design that can harvest the most electrical energy, and also perform engineering solutions according to the structure at the design and application site in accordance with the design.

We apply our EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Installation) service with the knowledge of 30 years of experienced engineers. Some of them do GES installation, Dorca Energy also provides GES/RES EPC service taking into account scientific information.